Realize the power of the river – against the backdrop of the hills – feel the significance of the place through its geography: a confluence of economy, living culture, subsistence, business and ceremonies. Look closer to understand better the confluence of the great Columbia River with the Snake River supporting activities, towns and people – to help people live. We are one with it. – Antone Minthorn, Umatilla Leader and Elder, Confluence founding board chairman
What Confluence intends is to reveal the deeper history of the place. Go out and read each Story Circle. Each one frames and tells you a little bit more about this place in terms of the (Columbia Plateau) Tribes who came here, and this was a very important place for them. -Maya Lin, Artist and Architect
There is no prescribed order to visit the Story Circles. Enjoy your path at your own pace. There are seven Story Circles: Introduction, People, Salmon, Seasonal Rounds, Trade, and the Coyote Circle. The following material is to aid you in visiting the Story Circles if you desire, or to experience the Story Circles if you cannot visit.
Read the text of the Story Circle here: Story Circles Text
If you are wanting more information, you can refer to this guide that is used on tours for school groups. StoryCircles_TeacherGuide