Support the Confluence 2019 Annual Appeal
Dear friend,
A few weeks ago I asked a long time Confluence supporter why he felt so passionately about our work. What he told me took me aback. He said he learned more about Indigenous history in one of our Story Gatherings than he did in 17 years of schooling. I realized I could pretty much say the same about my own education. How about you?
Through art and education, our work at Confluence is designed to make sure that kids today and future generations grow up with a broader and more inclusive cultural understanding of our shared history and ecology.
Will you make a donation today to help welcome Indigenous artists into schools and support cultural gatherings that elevate Native voices in the public dialogue?
Our founding board chair, Antone Minthorn of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation, reflected to me recently, “Confluence is America. It is small group of people — Native Americans — telling their fellow Americans about our country.”
This work does not happen on its own. It is only successful when Friends of Confluence like you step up to show support. Thank you for recognizing your own legacy. You will feel so good about being part of this important generational mission.
Warmest regards,
Colin Fogarty
Executive Director