
Friday Friend Tour to the Confluence Bird Blind

July 26, 2019
10:00 am
Sandy River Delta

The river delta at the confluence of the Sandy and Columbia Rivers has long provided the Upper Chinook people with a rich diversity of food sources. Lewis and Clark called it the “Quicksand River.” Today, the ecology of the Sandy River Delta is undergoing an ambitious transformation as forest, fields and wetlands are restored. At the end of a 1.2-mile hike, the Confluence Bird Blind by Maya Lin lists the 120 species documented by Lewis and Clark. It is an artistic place to contemplate our relationship with nature.

Friday Friend Tours are for donors of Confluence and anyone they invite with them. Join Executive Director Colin Fogarty for a story-driven hike of his historic landscape. The Delta is about a 30-minute drive from downtown Portland. The ADA accessible Confluence Trial is 2.4 miles round trip over flat land and packed gravel.

Meet at the kiosk in the parking lot of the Sandy River Delta. Start time: 10 am hike that lasts about 90 minutes. Lunch is an option afterward, at noon at Sugar Pine in Troutdale, a short drive from the Delta.

Directions and more information here.